'RAJPUT'' is the 1st most in india,
4th in Asia,
7th in World, most common surname.
15% of india and 70% of rajasthan's business is
handled by RAJPUT'S.
RAJPUT is the 5th most richest community in the world.
RAJPUT surname have 432 different type of
sub surname.
35% NRI are RAJPUT.
RAJPUT is the official surname of 45 country.
In 2017 RAJPUT will be world's no:1 surname.
RAJPUT the name is enough for one life..
So Proud To Be A RAJPUT
Rajputs loves fighting but hates to b soldier,

Rajputs are kind, loving and gentle but hates to show it,
Rajputs are hot blooded and hot headed, may b poor sometime but proud with strange principles,
Rajputs will die but never steps back from his words,
Rajputs are sincere friend but deadly enemy,
हम गरम खून के उबाल हैं , प्यासी नदियों की चाल हैं ,
हम राजपूत है ।
जय माता की ॥
मुझे गर्व है की मै राजपूत हु
4th in Asia,
7th in World, most common surname.
15% of india and 70% of rajasthan's business is
handled by RAJPUT'S.
RAJPUT is the 5th most richest community in the world.
RAJPUT surname have 432 different type of
sub surname.
35% NRI are RAJPUT.
RAJPUT is the official surname of 45 country.
In 2017 RAJPUT will be world's no:1 surname.
RAJPUT the name is enough for one life..
So Proud To Be A RAJPUT
Rajputs loves fighting but hates to b soldier,

Rajputs are kind, loving and gentle but hates to show it,
Rajputs are hot blooded and hot headed, may b poor sometime but proud with strange principles,
Rajputs will die but never steps back from his words,
Rajputs are sincere friend but deadly enemy,
हम गरम खून के उबाल हैं , प्यासी नदियों की चाल हैं ,
हम राजपूत है ।
जय माता की ॥
मुझे गर्व है की मै राजपूत हु
Proud to be a Rajput!
ReplyDeleteजय राजपुताना
DeleteSo cool love to know
ReplyDeleteJai Rajputana
ReplyDeleteI'm proud to be a Rajput.
ReplyDeleteJai rajputana
Jai rajputana
ReplyDeleteThakur h vach ke rhiyo
Ram ram